About Us
Determined efforts of volunteers have kept the park clean since it was designated as an off leash area several years ago.
What is remarkable is early in the morning, every morning, for over eight years, one tireless volunteer who goes by the initials B.B. was found cleaning up the off leash area or more precisely, disposing of the “poo” from the small percentage of careless dog owners who use the park. Her passion for keeping our off leash area clean and watching over it as a valuable asset finally caught fire in 2005 when she teamed up with a few volunteers who decided it was time to get organized.
After a few meetings and an informal survey at the off leash area on July 23 and 24 of 2005, the group formed the non-profit corporation known as Off Leash Area Edmonds. On March 22, 2006, OLAE was granted its 501(c)(3) status as defined by the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions are now tax deductible.
Off Leash Area Edmonds
PO Box 1562
Edmonds WA 98020-1562

Becoming responsible users and stewards of the off leash area promoting off leash dog recreation and usage.
OLAE's secondary mission is fund raising efforts that will be directed to sustain daily park maintenance and provide funds for future projects.
Our main goal is to gain volunteers to assist us in keeping this valuable asset an enjoyable
Enhancement Projects
Cutting the grass in summer 2005 in which .88 tons of grass was removed and subsequent cuttings each
quarter. -
Working with the City of Edmonds to get water to the site.
Placing gravel/rocks in the large puddles of standing water.
Removing trees and stumps located in the front plateau area of which .75 tons was removed.
Working with the City of Edmonds to obtain garbage removal and the addition of three Rules and
Responsibility signs. -
Working with Kevin Govan and Boy Scout Troop 312 for adding the double gated entry system.
Working with Matt Corwin who donated the two fire hydrants.
Working with Boy Scout Troop 319 and adding two plastic bag dispensing stations.
Working with the public to educate them to keep the park clean by providing quarterly newsletters and our
yearly Halloween Howl. -
Working with the Lynnwood Pack 363 Webelos Pack I and II to add a bulletin board to further educate our
users. -
Boy Scouts from Troop 312 builds agility course in 2011